Black Lives Matter

by Kailia Sage, June 01, 2020
I can't go about posting about books on this blog without talking about what's going on in the United States right now. People are peacefully protesting the police brutality and white supremacy.

Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd have all been recently killed by white people in the United States. They aren't the only Black people who have had their lives taken from them. Throughout years, as we've seen, Black people have systematically lost their lives to police brutality and white supremacy without much action taken against the people perpetuating them.

Peaceful protest--a right that every American has--have been taking place since these deaths in various cities across the United States and the rest of the world. Tear gas, rubber bullets and other excessive forces have been used against the peaceful protesters. There is video evidence of journalists being shot at and having tear gas thrown at them. Others have been arrested.

I have been very vocal on social media but I didn't feel comfortable not posting on this blog. How can I say that I am an activist and want to use my privilege for good if I don't make actual change? My words mean nothing if I don't actually to the work. I have donated to many organizations

Here are some important links:
Bail/Bonds for various cities around the country: 
I will continue to donate money as these organizations needs monitory support all year. I really want to put my month where my mouth is and this is one way to do so. I know that this post won't make much of a difference but I truly want to do everything I can do make a difference. 
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